Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 123 Days and 77575 Haiku later...

The first thing I'll do
is violate a turkey.
Posted on YouTube.
Haiku # 71870, September 6, 2021 6:58 pm ET
by Extra gravy with giblets. of Just a little stuffing.
Time for my nose douche.
Rinse out all those covid cells.
Haiku # 71869, September 6, 2021 6:52 pm ET
by Fuck the RT-PCR!
Tim Horton's Coffee
is by far superior
to competitors'.
Haiku # 71868, September 6, 2021 6:51 pm ET
by If we're going to destroy rain forests, of lets at least make good coffee!
You didn't say please.
Please may I have another.
Just one more haiku.
Haiku # 71867, September 6, 2021 6:48 pm ET
by Addicted to your glorious verse!
Thank you. You're welcome.
Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you.
You're welcome. Thank you.
Haiku # 71866, September 6, 2021 6:31 pm ET
by Noticer of Etiquette
Yes, I was abused.
By all five of my uncles.
They made me dress up.

Sometimes a French maid.
Sometimes the Easter Bunny.
Or Adolph Hitler.

They farted on me.
Mom got pics and videos.
And I was famous.

They kept the money.
Wasted it on crack and coke.
Then I ran away.

Became a hobo.
Riding town to town on trains.
And learned to fart back.

I learned from Rufus.
He taught me the ways of farts.
And to blast enemies.
Haiku # 71865, September 6, 2021 7:28 am ET
by Would make a great movie, no?
Seriously, Darth
Were you abused as a child?
Your mind is so weird . . .
Haiku # 71864, September 6, 2021 7:12 am ET
by Or Maybe Too Much Acid and Demons Entered the Portal of Your Soul
More people should die.
Pre-jet lag insomnia.
Next time ebola.
Haiku # 71863, September 6, 2021 3:20 am ET
by Damn it, my balls have lost their odor. of Here, smell my finger; see what you think.
Expensive call girls.
Old politician clients.
Maybe, just maybe.
Haiku # 71862, September 6, 2021 12:17 am ET
by Kill two turds with one boner.
On your fast food stand,
Splat goes my contagious phlegm.
Covid with your fries?
Haiku # 71861, September 6, 2021 12:15 am ET
by Thinking of ways I can target old ppl. of Any ideas?
A dyslexic girl
sent pics of The Sahara.
I said nudes, not dunes!
Haiku # 71860, September 6, 2021 12:12 am ET
by Sahara Sarah. of Hardly dry.
I've nothing to do.
So I will write this haiku.
And send it to you.
Haiku # 71859, September 6, 2021 12:09 am ET
by Send Nudes
I think I just read your book
Haiku # 71858, September 5, 2021 11:35 pm ET
by Noseful of Details
Late night sleepwalker
Stops in at the donut shop
This man is naked

Six honey glazed, please
Impromptu game of ring toss
Exits, still sleeping
Haiku # 71857, September 5, 2021 11:34 pm ET
by Sticky Erection of Pointing in the direction of home
I'm writing a book.
"How To Teleport Your Farts
To Others' Noses."
Haiku # 71856, September 5, 2021 11:28 pm ET
by Order Now of While Supplies Last!
Can you beat the RT-PCR covid test by giving yourself a good nasal rinse before hand? I'm thinking I'll use dish soap and bleach. Make sure it's negative.

Nowadays it's a good thing.
Fuck shit Goddamn cunt!

Never mind the test.
See how negative I am?!
Humans are all doomed!
Haiku # 71854, September 5, 2021 4:04 pm ET
by Or something.
This little piggy.
Old McDonald had a farm.
The wheels on the bus.
Haiku # 71853, September 5, 2021 4:00 pm ET
by I just want an Egg McMuffin!
I guess I was wrong.
Itchy balls aren't a symptom.
Not of corona.

It's a lot more fun
to spread itchy ball disease
than it is covid.

Know what I mean, Vern?
Time to bathe my schweaty sac.
Would you care to help?
Haiku # 71852, September 5, 2021 3:07 pm ET
by 1 km^2 scrotal area. of stretch it real good!
Call upon Janis
in times of trouble. Janis
will restore haiku.
Haiku # 71851, September 5, 2021 11:57 am ET
by Haiku Revival of 2021
Having covid's great!
Cough all over grocery stores
and shopping mall stands.

Life gets no better.
It's more fun than abortion.
Legalized murder.
Haiku # 71850, September 5, 2021 8:24 am ET
by They deserve it. Look what they've done.
Spicy Korean food.
I don't care what meat it is.
It's so freaking good!
Haiku # 71849, September 5, 2021 4:58 am ET
by Dogtopus duckat nude noodle soop. of Quack bark meow slither.
I am NOT Janis.
You are certainly not fucked.
You're not even kissed.
Haiku # 71848, September 5, 2021 3:41 am ET
by Nobody loves you.
I did one better.
I shat on the neighbor's lawn.
And wiped with his shirt.
Haiku # 71847, September 4, 2021 11:37 pm ET
by That's what he gets for hanging his laundry to dry.
Every so often
Let out your inner caveman
Go shit in the woods
Haiku # 71846, September 4, 2021 10:52 pm ET
by Deeppack Snowpra of Embracing a birch tree with my toned arse cheeks
Janis! Janis lives!
Janis will deal with the bots!
Wait... who is Janis?
Haiku # 71845, September 4, 2021 10:35 pm ET
by If Darth is Janis We Are Fucked
Thank you much, Janis.
We appreciate your work.
And this fun website.
Haiku # 71844, September 4, 2021 10:20 pm ET
by By "we", yes I do happen to have a turd in my pocket.
I've been smoking crack.
No, that cough isn't covid.
I promise, honey.

You care about AIDS??!!
That is soooo nineteen ninties.
God, how old ARE you??
Haiku # 71843, September 4, 2021 10:16 pm ET
by Shut up and pass the blunt.
Think I'll go out for
some nasty street meat tonight.
No, not fried chicken.
Haiku # 71842, September 4, 2021 10:12 pm ET
by 30 dolla make you holla of Me love you long time.
Craziness endures.
It sticks in your memory.
Normality fades.
Haiku # 71841, September 4, 2021 10:09 pm ET
by Admit it!
Haiku # 71840, September 4, 2021 10:07 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I still miss posting
pis of my unwashed backside
via website links.
Haiku # 71839, September 4, 2021 10:07 pm ET
by Thats why VHS stopped bc he misses my naughty pics.
Doesn't take long to
obliterate craziness
No time for this shit
Haiku # 71838, September 4, 2021 8:43 pm ET
by Janis
Other than spaces
copy-pasted, I did not
do anything else.

I've been too busy
spreading covid at shopping
malls and airport lounges.
Haiku # 71837, September 4, 2021 7:21 pm ET
by You're welcome, my beautiful planet! of Shed these pesky humans!
Darth was acting up
He erased the internet
Fucking math genius
Haiku # 71836, September 4, 2021 7:04 pm ET
by Tattler of Tales
What the actual
FUCK has been going on here?
2 week vacation :-(
Haiku # 71835, September 4, 2021 3:30 pm ET
by Janis
Moxie contains herbs,
Mystical roots and spices .
It's a brain tonic.
Haiku # 71834, September 4, 2021 2:22 pm ET
by That's why Mainers are Smarter than Flatlanders
well as russia seems
more interested in spam
on haiku, china???
Haiku # 71833, September 4, 2021 2:11 pm ET
by mox
The Russian bot-boy
Learned to list endless websites.
Go eat kasha, jerk.
Haiku # 71832, September 4, 2021 10:16 am ET
by Cyrillic Imbecilic of Moronic
Little space-bar boy
He learned to hold that key down.
(White space is racist)
Haiku # 71830, September 4, 2021 6:50 am ET
by Space-bar Drinks on the House of White Power
Swallowed by a whale
Will Moby Dick shit us out?
This is all your fault
Haiku # 71829, September 4, 2021 1:16 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 71826, September 3, 2021 6:40 pm ET
by Syreeta
We will haiku you.
You will get haiku'ed SO hard,
Won't know what hit you.
Haiku # 71824, September 3, 2021 12:26 pm ET
by Extreme Haiku of Mixed Martial Syllables
A bunch of gay clowns.
Gene Semens can lick it up.
Not even music.
Haiku # 71822, September 3, 2021 5:41 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
You watch PBS
Philippines Bird Sex Channel
I've seen your tweets, bro
Haiku # 71818, September 3, 2021 1:14 am ET
by Dirty Bird of Seed Spilling Zone
You'll never keep up
with me and my sisters, Darth.
But we think you're hot.
Haiku # 71817, September 3, 2021 1:08 am ET
by Kloaca Kardashian of Mansion
Don't you watch Nova?
Big bird has a cloaca
I'm bending over!
Haiku # 71816, September 3, 2021 1:04 am ET
by Big Bird of Snuffalupagus' house
If Big Bird's anus
could be seen when he bends down,
I'd watch PBS.
Haiku # 71815, September 2, 2021 11:41 pm ET
by How 'bout you?
Many other Popes,
in their Glorious Wisdom,
have wanted my Schlong.
Haiku # 71814, September 2, 2021 11:24 pm ET
by And have it, they did!
If the Pope wants it,
I will send him my Grand Schlong...
But it isn't bald.
Haiku # 71813, September 2, 2021 11:21 pm ET
by I use Nair!
When I fart, you'll hide
Twerking helps ease out the gas.
Watch my sick moves, dawg
Haiku # 71810, September 2, 2021 7:12 pm ET
by Dance Party USA alumni of Huffing Hairspray
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