Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 123 Days and 77577 Haiku later...

Other than spaces
copy-pasted, I did not
do anything else.

I've been too busy
spreading covid at shopping
malls and airport lounges.
Haiku # 71837, September 4, 2021 7:21 pm ET
by You're welcome, my beautiful planet! of Shed these pesky humans!
Darth was acting up
He erased the internet
Fucking math genius
Haiku # 71836, September 4, 2021 7:04 pm ET
by Tattler of Tales
What the actual
FUCK has been going on here?
2 week vacation :-(
Haiku # 71835, September 4, 2021 3:30 pm ET
by Janis
Moxie contains herbs,
Mystical roots and spices .
It's a brain tonic.
Haiku # 71834, September 4, 2021 2:22 pm ET
by That's why Mainers are Smarter than Flatlanders
well as russia seems
more interested in spam
on haiku, china???
Haiku # 71833, September 4, 2021 2:11 pm ET
by mox
The Russian bot-boy
Learned to list endless websites.
Go eat kasha, jerk.
Haiku # 71832, September 4, 2021 10:16 am ET
by Cyrillic Imbecilic of Moronic
Little space-bar boy
He learned to hold that key down.
(White space is racist)
Haiku # 71830, September 4, 2021 6:50 am ET
by Space-bar Drinks on the House of White Power
Swallowed by a whale
Will Moby Dick shit us out?
This is all your fault
Haiku # 71829, September 4, 2021 1:16 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 71826, September 3, 2021 6:40 pm ET
by Syreeta
We will haiku you.
You will get haiku'ed SO hard,
Won't know what hit you.
Haiku # 71824, September 3, 2021 12:26 pm ET
by Extreme Haiku of Mixed Martial Syllables
A bunch of gay clowns.
Gene Semens can lick it up.
Not even music.
Haiku # 71822, September 3, 2021 5:41 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
You watch PBS
Philippines Bird Sex Channel
I've seen your tweets, bro
Haiku # 71818, September 3, 2021 1:14 am ET
by Dirty Bird of Seed Spilling Zone
You'll never keep up
with me and my sisters, Darth.
But we think you're hot.
Haiku # 71817, September 3, 2021 1:08 am ET
by Kloaca Kardashian of Mansion
Don't you watch Nova?
Big bird has a cloaca
I'm bending over!
Haiku # 71816, September 3, 2021 1:04 am ET
by Big Bird of Snuffalupagus' house
If Big Bird's anus
could be seen when he bends down,
I'd watch PBS.
Haiku # 71815, September 2, 2021 11:41 pm ET
by How 'bout you?
Many other Popes,
in their Glorious Wisdom,
have wanted my Schlong.
Haiku # 71814, September 2, 2021 11:24 pm ET
by And have it, they did!
If the Pope wants it,
I will send him my Grand Schlong...
But it isn't bald.
Haiku # 71813, September 2, 2021 11:21 pm ET
by I use Nair!
When I fart, you'll hide
Twerking helps ease out the gas.
Watch my sick moves, dawg
Haiku # 71810, September 2, 2021 7:12 pm ET
by Dance Party USA alumni of Huffing Hairspray
Philippines hide out
Vatican wants Darth's bald schlong
For reliquary
Haiku # 71809, September 2, 2021 7:04 pm ET
by Advice of Keep your neck on a swivel
Darth is C.I.A.
He is a secret agent.
Agent of farting.
Haiku # 71805, September 2, 2021 5:57 pm ET
by Spooked of Covert Flatulence
But do not forget
Her Ethiopian Highness
The Queen of Sheba
Haiku # 71804, September 2, 2021 5:15 pm ET
Somali women:
Prettiest in Africa
But missing something...
Haiku # 71803, September 2, 2021 4:56 pm ET
by Mogadishrag of Punt
I've never been to 'Nam.
I'm thinking buy war trinkets.
And sell them back home.

Gun shows, flee markets,
maybe ebay and... oh fuck it all, I'm tired of counting. Viet Nam does sound interesting. This so called pandemic won't last forever.
Haiku # 71799, September 2, 2021 11:14 am ET
by War is coming. Stock up now.
Thailand is quite nice.
Ladyboys are annoying.
But the food is tops!

The ancient palace,
artwork, fruit stalls, fried insects,
and of course hookers.
Haiku # 71797, September 2, 2021 11:05 am ET
by I'll get back there very soon.
Oh, I'm not hiding.
And I get around a bit.
Mogadishu's next.
Haiku # 71796, September 2, 2021 11:02 am ET
by I'm going to be a pirate! of No, not a butt pirate. I'll leave that for you.
Darth: a famous man
Hiding out in Philippines.
We all wonder why.
Haiku # 71794, September 2, 2021 10:05 am ET
by Suspicions of South Pasurfic
I snorted some bleach.
If covid was up my nose,
I'm sure it's dead now.
Haiku # 71793, September 2, 2021 9:41 am ET
by The illegitimate children of Donald Trump
Hello, my name's Darth.
And I'm a vaccine addict.
It's been just two days.

Seriously though.
I wonder if anyone
is overdosing.

Freebase Sinovac.
Drinking Johnson & Johnson.
And snorting Pfizer.
Haiku # 71791, September 2, 2021 2:45 am ET
by Stranger things have never happened.
Pay your bills with farts
and leave your wallet at home
Free Fart Assessment
Haiku # 71790, September 2, 2021 1:02 am ET
by How much are your farts worth? of Find out today!
is a job you have before
you get a real job.

Your job is farting.
Natural gas producer.
You get paid in beans.
Haiku # 71789, September 2, 2021 12:52 am ET
by Jack of Ex-beanstalk climber
Preoccupation with farts
Haiku # 71788, September 1, 2021 10:55 pm ET
by Free Dose of Vaccine (vaccine contains cheese)
Oysters Darthafeller
That's just the appetizer
Wait for the main course
Haiku # 71785, September 1, 2021 7:06 pm ET
by Chef of Chez Old Willow
And for my next trick.
(Don't try this at home, ladies!)
Banging a stingray.
Haiku # 71784, September 1, 2021 11:29 am ET
by Irwin found out the hard way. of Krikey!
I never minded
when the lobsters clamped my schlong.
It kind of tickles.

But did you ever
get venomous sea urchin
quills in your testes?
Haiku # 71783, September 1, 2021 2:10 am ET
by That's a fun time!
Dip in the ocean
Ruined by a hefty lobster
Clamped to the penis

A vegan for years
He suddenly craved seafood
with all the fixings
Haiku # 71782, September 1, 2021 1:57 am ET
by Noticer of Seashells
When Donald Trump said
"Shithole countries," he was right.
Just stay where you are.
Haiku # 71781, September 1, 2021 12:41 am ET
by More conservative each day.
Spread peanut butter
on penis. Roll in birdseed.
Befriend many birds.
Haiku # 71780, September 1, 2021 12:19 am ET
by James Auduboner of Autobahn
Do you have any
coupons for butt lubricant?
You keep fucking us!
Haiku # 71779, August 31, 2021 10:12 pm ET
by Without having the goddamn common courtesey to give us a reach-around! of Sgt. Hartman
Farts, boogers, and poo.
The best topics for haiku.
Porn's worn and forlorn.
Haiku # 71775, August 31, 2021 3:45 pm ET
by You expect correct spelling from a Russian bot????
Use spell-check, doofus.
Your boring porn paragraphs
Are full of errors.
Haiku # 71774, August 31, 2021 3:16 pm ET
by Definatly a Russian Bot
Haiku's BACK, bitches!
Let's make haiku great again.
(don't alert the bots)
Haiku # 71772, August 31, 2021 8:04 am ET
by Haiku Revival of 2021
Old Father Christmas
Can't fool me with those sandals
I know you're Jesus!

Sitting on your lap...
C'mon, nail holes in your palms?
Jesus had reindeer?
Haiku # 71771, August 31, 2021 7:56 am ET
by Footprints of In the snow
Look on the bright side.
Darth Vader's not your father.
And neither am I.
Haiku # 71770, August 31, 2021 4:20 am ET
by Tell your mom I am not paying child support!
A full spray paint can.
A blazing hot fire place.
At least no one died.
Haiku # 71768, August 31, 2021 1:49 am ET
by This time.
My exploding balls.
Hang them from your Christmas tree.
Burning down The House.
Haiku # 71767, August 31, 2021 1:47 am ET
by It had to be done. of No other way.
Darth Vader never
had an apprentice 'cause he'd
be Master Vader.
Haiku # 71766, August 31, 2021 1:41 am ET
by Can't you hear the giggles!
All lies are the truth.
I flung my spooge at the screen.
Fox and CNN.
Haiku # 71765, August 31, 2021 1:35 am ET
by Praise Jesus!
I hope it's covid
as I spit on door handles.
They deserve to die.
Haiku # 71764, August 31, 2021 12:26 am ET
by All of them. of Yes, you too.
Nothing's more cringey
than using the word cringey.
PC cunt crackers.
Haiku # 71763, August 31, 2021 12:22 am ET
by Right????
And don’t come back here
With that bad cut-and-paste porn.
It is SO cringey.
Haiku # 71762, August 30, 2021 8:50 pm ET
by Not Even Titillating of Tech-bots SUCK
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