corner of the web
a place kept on the down-low
like a dead end street
by Janis of Shhhhh
monotonous creep
outrage for outrages' sake
sowing division
by Janis of It's been a mild summer, I guess climate change is over!
It is the season
Of server updates; with hope
Nothing of note broke.
by Adam
you cannot resist
we have just the slot for you
give us your money
by ash of splash the cash, you can ring my bell
Chatbots everywhere.
Chatbots programming chatbots.
But not forever.
by Certainty of Eventual Implosions
I stopped coming
Here...just discord, chatting twitter
And old chatbots
by Moxie
Yes I was the same
Namesake black sheep et al drink
Moxie five and dime
by Moxie
Epic proportions.
Something else about dumb games...
array of options.
by Haikuized for You by Noticer of SLOT
Just look down your pants
The quest for entertainment
At your fingertips
by Noticer of PlayStation
Looking back on things
I'm wondering if Moxie
And Black Sheep are same...
by Haiku Forensics
The smell of a fart
Never ending butt wiping
Devil’s handiwork?
by Pile of Dung
The crickets chirping
and the hum of cicadas:
these are God's clockwork.
by Noticer of Creation
neural network now
we want that perfect mind fuck
and of course, your cash
by ash of get your gurk-in
Vivek was so based.
Speaks more clearly than the rest.
He's Ramaswamy!
by John Podesta of Sick Stuff
Flatulence Airlines
Rudy Giuliani lands
Methane fueled travel
by Global Warming of Pants
Elon, Elon Musk;
Thou art the king of all twits.
Great Elon: save us.
by Another Twit of Sent a Tweet to Mars Amen
He can't change the name
It was born as a Twitter
God made it that way
by Elon love that blood money
I AM bad haiku.
No one dares to challenge me.
Go suck eggs, you fool.
by Eggsucker of Big Farma Inc.
I'm waiting on "hold".
The recorded music plays...
And I'm still in HELL.
by Pushed to the Limit of EXISTENTIALISM
I see London...France...
But don't see no underpants.
I feel so cheated.
by Regrets of Ropa Interior
Look up here, you guys
You’ll see London. You’ll see France
Won’t see underpants
by Avid Treeclimber of Treetop
social media
alone in the wilderness
it’s arbor day ya’ll
by Dave of Richmond, Virginia
Girl, you are so woke
You sleep thru you own nap-time
And never knew it.
by Grievance Dept. of Global Corporation
Satan: a failed meme
and ghost of a dead insect.
It's such a loser.
by Approx. 2/3rds of the Angels
Replace my bumper.
Haiku should do that for me.
Or else, what's the point?
by Haiku of Vehicle Repairs
too tired to haiku
is poetry exhausted
or is it just me
by ash of somnolent submissions
Hey Haiku people:
Time to flood the internet
With our brilliant verse.
by Brandon of Letz GO!
We already know
Kierkegaard and faith are one
Brevity is hard
by Oopsie of Doopsie
Speak of Kierkegaard
And you speak of Christian faith.
These things are sacred,
by Existentialist of Xistence
chest feeder anxious
no boobies for me, is life
void of calci-yum?
by Think I missed understood the term of dictionary dumb
i'd smell before taste
but don't have a nose or tongue
philosophy hard
by Best Kierkegaard Thos Nutz of Denmark the date you read this stupid f**kin Haiku
Cyan is a Darth
Dressed up in women's clothing
Talking about cheese.
by Noticer of Cyan
not all the glitters is gold
what is a cyan?
by pliny the eldar of 40k something
Such Turd-world tactics:
Accuse the opposition
Then jail them. Job done!
by Banana Plantation of Amerika
donald is the man
he would have won the soccer
even if he lost
by ash of stolen penalty shootout
Stealing documents
Election interface
Wearing a girdle
by Lock him up
Donald Trump did WRONG.
I'm not quite sure what he did...
But he did SOMETHING.
by Kangaroo Kourt of Show Trialz
Poor Monsieur Deleuze
Launched himself from a window...
Was that a plateau?
by Smooth Space of Pavement to Face
Hummus or guano?
Wheat thins, Cheez-its, stale Triscuits
Fromunda Cheese
by Lunchable of Down Under
Dont read the plateaus
You will just convince yourself
That you are learning
by But you are not of This planet
Hear this true story:
I finished popping the stye
That was in my eye
by Bot mcbottle of Bad haikuland
I was copying
The speech bubble in banner
Of bad haiku website
by Bot mc bottle of Digital land
The butler is weird
Children run around the halls
They are all his slaves
by Anonymous Poet
Bots can't figure out
How to write 5-7-5.
Bots cannot Haiku!
by Birthday Basho
I cant swim
In water i can float
Ocean hack
by Jake somnio of Billabongio
Your way of
Speaking is still the same
Er, unless...
by Oilgirl of Suntan lotion
Guampa joe
Little hoe is on the
Prairie now
by Bad of Bad bad bad
Do you see?
Its not just me, it's you
And him too
by Namae of Lugar
Bad haiku
Is so Necessary
For you two
by Anonymous Poet
Let me know,
What do you think is next?
Lets try it!
by Yeah of Ea ea ea se menea