That's not vhs.
And I know it wasn't me.
Unless I'm insane.
by Possible... possible. of Although... vhs is a silly bastard after he's had a beer or two. LOL
i took a huge dump
a shit that will live in
infamy. dec 7th
by vhs
Of course I can sing.
But only when no one's near.
Figaro's my fave.
by Elmer Fudd's my idol.
Can you sing, Darth?
by sk of Darthcropolis
A brown, claw-like hand
reaches out of the toilet,
Just wants some respect
by Urethra Franklin of Flushing, NY
A brown, claw-like hand
reaches out of the toilet,
but what does it want?
by It's come to take us away! NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Haiku is true news.
The rest is propaganda,
global deception.
by Gill Bates
we all suck in life
I get my news from haikus
by cursedmints
what's scary is the
AI might write a haiku
and we think it's Darth
by vhs of Maine
In my opinion you are mistaken. I suggest it to discuss. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
by DavidScone of Saudi Arabia
wank wank wank wank wank
scrub scrub scrub scrub scrub
by Stainislov Notkominovski of Waiting Room furniture
Cold and medical
Stainless steel, autoclaved dink
Robot Physician
by Stain of Steel
The word "masturbate"
is so cold and medical.
Can't we just say "wank"?
by I'd rather wank than masturbate any day!
We all one being.
We that baddest of haiku.
You cannot stop us!
by Our powers grow stronger with each minute! of Soon the world will be ours!
We have multiple
personality syndrome
like Sybil, don't we?
by Yes, we do! I'm glad we all agree. of Remember Sybil with Sally Fields. Freaky movie. Haven't seen it in forever.
I won't do Meta.
But I'll do Mark Zuckerberg.
Sand paper strap-on.
by That's not virtual blood.
This site is hardly
the virtual Metaverse.
So, yeah, I post here.
by Guilt free pumpkin pie.
I am exhausted
Yet sleep seems so far away
So I post haiku
by And also smoke some weed? of Cozy in eternity
they are posting here
but then complain of the “here”
online infinite
by Meta’s going to be hard for you all of Good luck in the next chapter of modernity
It is the valuable answer
by AndrewOxils of Brunei Darussalam
Must be an echo
Was I talking to myself?
And masturbating?
by Feeding the geese of Out in left field
Is it possible
we are all the same person
and just don't know it?
by Whoa! Heavy, dude. of You blew my mind!
You and "Starkitten"
Have "conversations" it seems . . .
But you're same person.
by Definition of Schizophrenia Vindicated
Actually, it made my crack crack a smile.
by Rosy cheeks with one brown eye.
Blow up Christmas trees.
You thinking what I'm thinking?
That stuff isn't snow!
by F Xmas! Literally!
c'mon Darth that made you crack a smile
by sk
New position
Inquire within now
by French butter of Last Tango in Paris
Free root canals from
my robot proctologist
make me have bad breath.
by Kiss me, you fool!
My robot dentist
Offers free rectal exams
Makes me so happy
by Arthur Denton
Here, I'll hold your balls
You concentrate on coughing
(Robot malfunctions)
Screams and clunking sounds
Robot Physician death grip
Uprooted penis
by Robot of Medical Centre
you know i stuck here
for the argument and to
be accepted then.
i sort of moved on
like establishing closure
over internet, stuff
by vhs
I would hang myself
if I could transmit the smell
of post-mortem poo.
To think, posting farts
as easy as posting this.
Metaverse awaits!
by Technoseology. of "Transmitting smell-o-gram." 3, 2, 1...
Black bean and brown rice.
Spicy garlic tuna eggs.
Can I share with you?
The farts, not the food.
VR smell simulator.
Come to my "meta".
by This is the future! of The future is now!
I love the future.
Computers will think for us.
We write fart poems.
As we vegetate
computers decide our fate.
It's the beans I ate.
Corona virus?!
Escape with VR headset.
Order beans online.
A tube's in my ass.
It's sucking out all my gas.
Powers my PC.
by You're Welcome
It's karaoke.
That means: it's KARA, o.k.?
So step up and SING.
by I Will Blow You Away of My Shameful Humiliation
Miniscule haiku,
Intense and MASSIVE impact:
My five-seven-five.
by Line of Lines of URRRRRRPPP
The electric ass
Roasts your baloney like fries
And chairs your weiner.
by Chairperson of Baloney Dept.
It's call and response.
African call and response.
That's what it is, Lord.
by Syncopation of Aryan Nation
Elves live in my brain.
They all had diarrhea.
This haiku came out.
by Literary septic rupture.
Darth, should I watch the new South Park?
by your friend, Starkitten
After I wrote this
I wiped hard seventeen times
but it's still dirty.
by OCD of PNW
The electric chair
fries your ass like baloney
and roasts your weiner
by Reddy Kilowatt of Power Lunch
Moxie, you know what?
You are way too sensitive.
But prolly good guy.
by Allies Needed to Bully Bullies
I can suggests to
visit to you a site which
are many question.
by Asian Bot of Needs ESOL Classes
Your haiku are bad.
Your testicles are rancid.
You're a samurai.
by really!
Ahem: Breeze of dusk
Pale lotus floats below bridge.
Shrine lanterns lit. Burp.
by I Wish I was Lit of But it's not 11:30 am yet...
But seriously,
Haiku's unsustainable;
Releases methane.
by Hunter Biden of Ukrainian National Gas Board of Erectors
Hey Greta Thunberg:
your haiku is APPALLING.
Take a fucking walk.
by But Please Do Not Swear of The Kids Are Asleep
Oh sire, dark tidings:
the foe is now at our gate
and wants ta git DOWN.
by Bassline with Scratch Guitar of Medieval Feudalism
Ah caint git enuf
of that funky stuff. Well well.
Oh yaas chile. Funkay.
by That 70's Voice of Ohio Players