I like you too, Ash
But I am more of a cat
Lyrically speaking
by Lucifer Sam of SIAM CAT
these verses are fine
dogs are not that discerning
they even like me
by ash
no-one is perfect
just be better when you can
because it's a start
by ash
details aside are
we still posting the loud part
spoken quietly?
by vhs
by Noticer of Details
You drive off the lot
Is there nothing like that smell
of a new haiku?
by Junior Samples of BR5r9
My head popped out on
A spring, cat played with it purring...
Boi oi oi oi oing
by Waiting for godot
Will he won't he he
Forgot, he is a she then
Wild became insane
by Vhs
Ah, so there he is
That stupid motherfucker
What a fuckin' tool
by Anonymous Poet of 99942 Apophis
What if it turns out
God is just a big old dink
Flapping in the wind
by Full of Questions
Haiku guides my steps:
Failing into the fullness
of my destiny
by Failure is the new SUCCESS of Syllabic Net-worth
The Doctor is in!
Banish your low self esteem.
We’re all losers here
by Loser Census of Old Willow
I write these poems
then I realize once more
that I am useless.
by Realistic Appraisal of Self
You write these poems
You say you’re a great poet
I believe you now
by Fancier of Poetry
Faces change. It's strange...
Aging rock stars remember
And choose their coffins.
by Lines of Hotel Kalifornia
I'm happy to sit
To watch the clouds drift and change.
by Brandon Support Unit 342A of Dementia is Awareness
Bad Haiku goes deep,
Down to the lowest level.
Figpucker digs it.
by Deep Lines of Your Face
shine on, bad haiku !
quarter of a century
and never better
relic of the net
james interwebb telescope
to our distant past
go supernova
look deep into our black holes
see the stars twinkle
by ash of the infinite space between between submissions
Adam sees Eve's dink.
They argue over pronouns . . .
Updated version
by Edam and Ave of Garden of Cheese
Fig leaf of Adam
falls gently and gracefully
Eve sees Adam’s dink
by True stories of the Bible
First leaf of autumn
Falls gently and gracefully:
Last days of July.
by Figpucker's Summer Vacation
Is he a cyclops?
The eye of Tom Bosley’s cock
No! Just an old dick.
by Nap of Dirt
pudgy, pale soft boys
effeminate freaks, green hair
there's a lot these days
by I'm for Your Freedumb to Freak of Course . . .
Wham bam thank u spam
Can't even syllabify
U dumb algorithm
by Selassie I of Greater Ithiopia
New England matrons
Think they are such firebrands
But they're just old frumps.
by Clipped Hair Mean Faced Biddies of Cluck Cluck Cluck
Ezra got Pounded
By his own bad poetry
And Chineseries.
by Cho-Fu-Sa of Cantos Shmantos
Ah, what a welcome.
I married a screech-machine.
And she turns me ON.
by And Then Off Again of Screechy Is Peachy
A sewage puddle
Surrounded by underwear.
Darth’s style….ITS STINKY!!
by Noticer of Details
You actually
Cannot write haiku at all
You dull bot, you.
by Over 80 % of Internet Commentary is A.I. of And Darth and Janis are Both Bots
A sewage puddle
surrounded by tin-roof shacks.
Third-world. It's . . . VIBRANT.
by Papa Doc of Saint Ouverture
Things are not so bad
Unless you live in Haiti
Forgot about that
by Do people like things?
I ask: “Who’s on first?”
Almost got to first base once.
(with Darth Figpucker)
by All Stars of Haiku
Elvis is the king.
Velvet voice of Rock'nRoll:
Declan McManus
by Bud Abbot of Lou Costello
Jerry Lee Lewis...
His cousin Jimmy Swaggart.
So- what does this mean?
by Open-ended Madness of Haiku
Overthinking it:
Mention old boomer movies...
Identify self.
by Born in Postwar of Pre-cybernetics
Hiker in distress
“Coyote tried to blow me”
“Ran off with my dick!”
by Emoji of Babaganoush
Henry Fonda’s corpse
lifts from the murky bottom
of this Golden Pond
by Listen Listen of Who’s Pissin’?
Tickling the ivories
Tickling cousin clitoris
Jerry Lee Lewis
by Incest of Underwater
a piano falls into the old pond --
F-sharp Major
by Sprogvader of イングランド
end of spring --
the moonlight dries my hair
by Sprogvader of イングランド
Dead husband money
Some slip on banana peels
Some will fall of cliffs
by Myriad of Options
Fuck that should have been
Man BOOBS, autocorrect sucks ass
Five more syllables
by Anonymous Poet
What about man books?
Sometimes unavoidable
Too much Del Taco
by Manboob Appreciation Committee
We need more DADS now!
Young men need a role model.
But no dads with tits...
by Matriarchal Malarkey of Intertoobz of Boobz
Well, that explains it.
He was a crummy father
and he’d screw a cat
by Butter of Paws
dad says i'm a slut
technically my step dad
also a toaster
by bread of butter face
Ash!!!!! How have you been?
Look, there's no spam in these parts.
That's all that is new.
by Janis of It's hot here
i am old and tired
but poetry makes my young
grandma has a cock
by ash
been away long time
yet haiku remains within
basho my brains out
by ash
by Haiku McHike