Pot gravy, pot stew,
pot butter on candied yams,
and a joint after.
It's hilarious.
Little Jimmy puts olives
on all his fingers.
by Control your laughter! of Watch me f*** the pumpkin pie, grandma!
Have you eaten rat?
Field rats, not sewer rats.
I hear it's not bad.
Maybe Thanksgiving
I'll bake up a rat pot pie.
Of course with real pot.
Pairs well with turkey.
Washed down with rum and eggnog.
I'm so effing high.
by I'd like to give thanks that we can all be together this year. And thanks for the legalization of marijuana, without which I'd never get through Thanksgiving Day with relatives.
This place has it all
vermin in every corner
wall to wall vermin
by Noticer of rat tails
has been restored to the rez
Wind knocked 3 trees down
by Chattering of Teeth
Scotch: what's a "top-rope"?
Hope it's not suicidal...
Maybe climbing term...
by Hung Up On Implications of Terminology
The moon is eclipsed
By one bad haiku tonight.
And it's MY haiku.
by Go Outside and Look Up of I Control Celestial Bodies Through Haiku
Benjamin Franklin found out
when he fucked a kite
by History through haiku
Please fucking kill me
I just really want to die
Jk i am good :)
by hit me up on twitter @cursedmints of house
Oh Madagascar!
Dear Antananarivo...
Ok. Took a risk.
by African Risk-assessment Team of Tananarive N'arrive Pas
in just a few days
i'll set up my first top-rope
was nice knowing you
by scotch of speaking of risk
Aside of awful,
Odor of fried Kartoffel:
A German jaw-full...
by Jawohl Mein Bruder of Achtung !
all the food's okay
i just want to play some "risk"
go madagascar!
by scotch
ok, hear me out:
falafel on a waffle
a side of offal
by scotch of culinary rhyming house
The turkey grease pops.
Obese in-laws salivate.
And then there's football.
by Some give thanks to Jesus. of Rum and Coke is my savior.
Haiku shall guide us.
Haiku the only vanguard.
(Well . . . haiku AND beer.)
by Celestial Guidance Through Bad Haiku
I call for reform.
Haiku shall be purified.
A new age begins.
by Purge the Deceptions of the Past
You people have FAILED.
Your haiku misses the mark.
Repent for your sins.
by The God of Haiku is Forgiving
Nerds are called egg heads.
Heads are sometimes called noggins.
Nerds are egg noggins.
by Mix in some rum. of God, this is dumb
Nude nimble gnomes gnaw
nifty noodles, nipping no
gnarly gnu noggins.
If there's a troll ban,
I'll do three life sentences.
Do prisons have cheese?
by DW
In America
can we outlaw gnomes instead?
Hobbits after that!
by I would soooo destroy the ceramic abominations.
So did boris just
Outlaw himself, a troll doll
Illegally banned
by Vhs
So did boris just
Outlaw himself, a troll doll
Illegally banned
by Vhs
i hear anti troll laws
are to be passed in england boris johnson...troll...
by vhs
waffle this waffle
that, me laddies, where me whipped
cream an strawberries
by waffle pirate vhs
At the Waffle House'
I got the Awful Waffle.
It had me baffled.
by It was actually pretty good. of Crispy with real maple syrup.
Elmo and Hitler's
assassination attempt
on Oscar the Grouch
would have succeeded
if Elmo weren't ticklish
and Hitler not gay.
by Oscar's bunker is way cooler than Hitler's. of Have you seen it?!
I think you need to
worry if he dresses up
as Elmo in the store
by vhs
i think my dear we
are trying to prevent others
from getting there...
to the Bunker.
by vhs of Archie Bunker not Hitler Bunker
Elmo's tragedy.
You did more than tickle him.
Security cam.
by Traumatized store detective.
I do not get that.
"Decolonizing bookshelves."
Just what does that mean?
Perhaps indicates
insanity or something.
I could not tell you.
(b/c if insane, would I know it?)
But I look around.
The world and "society".
It is all insane.
Changing one's "gender".
Order everything online.
Oozing fear like sweat.
But about the end.
Assuming you got that far.
How was that for you?
by Sweaty nads vape flavor. of Vaping...?! I mean... WTF?! What the hell has happened to us?!?!
I've seen rambling books
murikamis...i fear those
cause they're nuts that want
decolonize your
bookshelf, these same people end
up in deep bunkers
and you know what next.
by vhs of Gottandamerung.
WalMart toy section.
You have to tickle Elmo.
When no one's looking.
by Guilty. And I'd do it again!
Better a monkey
than a pig any old day.
Bananas beat slop.
by Boots the Monkey
That's Dowager Feng.
Stop watching Kung Fu Panda.
Your dumplings are tough.
by General Tsao's Chicken
Making of haiku,
the Japanese poetry
based on conscision.
by Sorry, I have to cut this short. of That's what rabbis do.
Back to Empress Feng:
"Slay these monkeys before me.
Big-eyes smell so foul"
by Jade and Bronze of Celestial Kingdom
Allman brothers rock.
I do love that song "Blue Sky"
Also "Whipping Post"
by Butch Trucks of Boomer Music
Born a ramblin' man...
You do go on and on, sir.
About what, not clear.
by Greg Allman of Backseat of a Greyhound Bus
effort of homeless druggies
and a few demons.
Wait, what?! You read that?
Wow. Glutten for pun-ishment.
Rambled a bit much.
yes, a friend, a good
friend redisovered ze pigs opus
discordian mandate
always did want to read it though
i thought DFs evil novel was interesting
by vhs
the blast from the past
smells nice, dusty or funk from
40 000 years pence?
by vhs of be kind, rewind, me back to my 1990s dorm room
yowsa, how's the nyan
crowd chilling in the bird ap?
nice to see you here?
by vhs of A can opener in my twitter life
something about grits
gives me the shits but i love
love love the stuff....broooown
by vhs
heck, I'm gonna need this
random website to pump out
more bad haikus, yeah?
by 179west of tempe, arizona, us, meow
nostalgia babe the
peak is the point, the perk it's
trendy bitches can
kiss my britches. ayuh
by vhs
Tool is past their peak.
Though "Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned"
is up my alley.
Their new stuff is... meh.
A new band that wows would be...
more than refreshing.
by With the zombies we've become... I can't see it. of No one even practices these days. Too busy on FB, Twitter, and TikTok.
listen, all you have
to do is listen to a Tool
song, to see how
BAD it really is
rubber horsegirls, creepy klaus
adreno crome.
by vhs
damn it, they just keep
writing all the good poems
and me bitching on
by vhs