"He loved Big Brother."
The most vulgar words written
throughout history.
by And yet here we are.
Burnin's too good for him!
Hangin's too good for him!
He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried ALIVE!!
by Makes sense... An overflowing cup filled with the very cream of human kindness.
WHAT ANGLE???!!...
... Him.
by Classic.
You misspelled angel.
Yes, I know I am sexy.
Control your urges.
by Or we'll have to put salt peter in your scrambled eggs.
Oh...I have..an angle...
by Vhs
Look deep into me.
See the sum of all evil.
Through all space and time.
by Sterrrrrnn!!! of Calling Hanover Fist.
Here's an idea.
Leather coats with coffee smell.
Pre-aromaed coats.
by Inventing words. Yes. And?
Just imagine this:
These coins look about the same.
One and five piso.
I mean, what the EFF!
Complete lack of common sense.
Someone needs slapping.
by And for once, it's not me! of Well, I do need slapping, but not for that.
What will happen now?
Extradited for war crimes,
human trafficking,
heroin dealing,
child porno ring, and three
parking citations.
And not to mention
what I did to those monkeys.
... But they enjoyed it.
In all fairness.
by I would expect nothing less from the likes of you.
I miss iamback.
Do you think he passed away?
He hated Star Wars.
Those gay wedding rants.
Star Wars themed gay marriages.
Which is redundant.
by Darth Whorendous the Stupendously Fabulous of Like a funeral glitter bomb.
Can we just agree
to hate everyone the same?
(But Eskimos more.)
by Is that okay?
well here we are and
i came back, i dont know, just
lets see what happens
by Anonymous Poet
alas poor yorik
immortalized for his death
an object lesson
by scotch of the lesson being that life is short and pointless
do we hate darth now?
we used to just hate moxie
i was gone awhile
by scotch of meet the new troll, same as the old troll
There once was a man.
Here I sit, broken hearted.
Alas, poor Yorik.
by Poor Yorik had a stupid name. of He should hate his parents.
well i like to go
to work and do work stuff when
I'm at work...to go
by vhs of we...are smart Pakled.
I wish I knew you
You're the cure for depression
I had to notice
by My pronouns are Starkitten of just being real
"The fridge sits empty
Because I am too lazy
To buy some groceries"
And *POOF* there's Door Dash.
This is all Janis' fault.
This whole "pandemic".
Laziness, greed, and gluttony created Amazon, FarceBook, and TikCok. And those created the "pandemic" to increase revenue. (It first appeared in China, don't forget). And now we just order our pot and pizza and groceries and... everything online and stay home wanking to crappy porn and it's only going to get worse. You'll see.
And it's all that first haiku by Janis that started it all. It's your fault Janis! You're friends of Bezos, I bet!
by Conspiring Constipation Constellation
dr seuss...seuss and de
sist, not sure what a seuss im
pression would be like
like a bike
a trike?
on strike?
tv once called Spike.
dams being called dikes.
by vhs
We'll soon bow down to
The Cannibal Overlords!
Worse than aliens!
by Alferd Packer of Shpadoinkle!
The culling will start.
Only the fat ones may breed.
They are so juicy!
by Artificial selection.
Will we be cattle?
"They" will harvest our fat selves.
Drugged, we will not know.
by moooooooo
The future I see.
Plugged in, we never leave home.
Just like The Matrix.
by But voluntary. of Amazon and Facebook.
Amazon order.
You ever try Vulveeta?
Fake vagina cheese.
by You can order anything these days! of We need a new crypto called "ShitCoin".
The fox pox pine box???
That bothered you??? I'm sorry.
I was just goofing.
Bet you wear cute socks.
by Darth Whorendous
I am not fighting.
I notice Noticer knows
my identity.
"I will kill you if you tell."
meaning he/she/it know me personally.
The "dead rabbit" line gave it away.
Along with a million other not so subtle hints.
We will see, we will see.
by Darth Whorendous of No long plucking figs, and thank God for that!
Darth, you need a hug
Stop fighting with the poets
I made you decaf
by One of the other poets
i think some seek a
great savior only to find
in this world it's fake
by vhs
i would like to see
more people on this site post
different haiku
by vhs
i know I've just got
to walk out that door and get
the fresh air of the
pines and fall and call
it a real walk and not a space
for cyber highways
by vhs
I'm glad you're still here
I almost ended up in a
box, worked out, still
going strong, heart health just
might save lives after all, weird
how we all turn out...
by vhs
This site had a troll
From '03-'17
I will outlast you
by Janis of That must be a record!
usually when it's
about me dying i might
take it personal.
by vhs
dude, it's stuff like that
that made me leave here and stop
posting haiku here.
by vhs
Mox stocks rocks fox pox.
It put him in a pine box.
Bagels, cream cheese, lox.
by I am not Sam. I will eat green eggs and ham. of It's Ma'am! (I notice you assume to much.)
well this is a drat
a bother, shows how old we
are facebook a dream
by vhs of im usually mox too
300 hits to this site each day.
297 are bots.
1 is Janis trying to delete the bot spam.
The others are the only 2 poets posting here under multiple names pretending to be different people.
by Good job!
If the Axis won,
I bet there'd be no balot
in the Philippines.
by Even the Nippers aren't that nasty.
Thunderbird, Night Train,
Mad Dog Twenty-Twenty.
Brand name, not vintage.
Vintage ghetto wine.
Now THAT is fucking funny.
Pairs with Velveeta.
by I Noticed your yellow lips. of OH! That's from crack. Okay.
If the Axis won,
these Russian boner pill ads
could well be poo porn.
by Things could always be worse.
Beaujolais red wine.
Two-thousand-fifteen is good.
Pairs well with hookers.
And sharp cheddar.
by Right!
They make the disgusting porn
US frat boy watch.
by $upply & demand.
Okay, let's talk wine.
That's way more appropriate.
What's your favorite?
by What's a famous Jewish wine? of "I want to go to Hawaii!"... Oh, I thought you said whine.
I cannot fathom
enjoying being pooed on.
Explain Noticer.
by What's that do for you?
The sewers are fun.
Did you notice me in the
toilet hole waiting.
by Oh, wait, no... that's Germany. Maybe Japan. of Why are the WWII axis powers such epic perverts?
He brewed a bad brew
of Hebrew Manischewitz.
Man, it was the shits.
by vhs... NOT of ;-)
A knock at the door
A single knock followed by
sixteen rapid knocks
by Salesman of Haiku
Haiku supply chain
The source of all bad haiku
Philippines sewers
by Eel of Sargasso (source of good haiku)
Just write what you know
Poems about cutting cheese
and blaming the dog
by Hound of Limburger
I had idea
For epic haiku poem...
But it was garbage.
by Flash in the Pan