Who's this Elton dude?
Opened for Iron Maiden?
My God, I was high.
by Run for the Hills!
We salute Janis.
Her site is the last frontier.
True open forum.
by 5 then 7 then 5 of Or Die
I am stuck on this.
I am stuck on this album.
Don't you understand?
by Needle Stuck In Groove of VINYL
Remember twelve inch.
Back in the early eighties.
It keeps on shrinking.
by You whipper-snappers don't know the struggle! of Kilo to terra... Next is peta, you wild animals!
Adam, I hear you...
but Elton's "Love Lies Bleeding"
is such a great song.
by Adam of Admin (switch 2 letters)
At my advanced years
a floppy is typical.
Seldom have hard drive.
Please madam, don't byte.
Terabyte my solid state.
Enhanced by high tech.
by Floppy diks, as they say in India. of Like Game of Thrones.
Yes, single-sided,
single-density, even.
But for the poems,
this whole site would fit
on a five and a quarter
inch floppy diskette.
Though admittedly
not quite so old to have lived
in a flaccid sleeve,
it did indeed first
travel on three and a half
inches of plastic.
by Adam of The Server Side
An ancient art form,
an ancient new medium.
It's relative, but
A quarter of a
century is very old
indeed for the web.
are very much in order
for this Bad Haiku.
by Adam of 1996
Your mama. So sweet.
She asked me to have mercy.
I baked her cookies.
by Misogyny is Strength of Matriarchy
Your own dear mother
thanked me when I left her bed.
She was still panting.
by The Dozens of Yo Mama Obama
No one will step up?
Allright. I will rule from here.
Five syllables. WON.
by Haiku as Fight for Dominance of Beta Males
Jamaica Jerk-off:
It's a hilarious take
on the island vibes.
by Rock-steady of Jawbone of an Ass
The thing of it is
only one album of his
affects me this way.
by Yellow Brick Gold of Auric Splendors
Do you like Elton?
In retrospect, his band ROCKS.
He was really great.
by Bernie Taupin of Lyrical Prowess
Seriously folks,
Janis ought to have a crown
for our therapy.
by Haiku of Counseling
Oh no I screwed up.
Added extra syllable.
Lost haiku street creds.
by Sir Eltonon John John of Cocaine and Glasses
I'm listening to
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (album)
It really moves me.
by Sir Elton Was a Bit of a Martinette though of 70's Delerium
Ooh I'm really mad.
This wicked world is so bad.
Capital of Chad.
by N'Djamena of Well It Rhymed . . .
Solid potato salad
Google the Ross sisters, Darth
Good for what ails you
by sk
Bear with me, rabbit.
It's your dear fur that I need
Or else I go bare.
by The Deer Escaped Alive of Venison
Rabbit, dear, and bear.
Together make hearty stew.
Wear them afterwards.
by So you can gain their spirit powers. of Yeah.
Deer is not Kosher.
I told your priest about it.
Eat the beating heart.
by Sometimes we have to be animals.
My eighth glass of wine.
The potato salad's great,
but, here, try this ham.
by It's so good even Moses would!
Drink wine. See it shine:
My intelligent design.
Now I end the line.
by Line of Lines of Janisopolis
potato salad
in hell sounds like a south park
episode really?
by vhs
No celebration????
Where's the nude pics of Janis?
The free giveaways?
by ???????????
That's all fine and good,
but does it exist in hell?
I'd imagine so.
by Anonymous Poet
potato salad
exists in fly heaven the
far side told me so
by vhs
Okay, but try the
potato salad before
it's all gone, you know.
by Don't miss out!
There's a little Darth
Figpucker in all of us
and it sure feels good
by 6th cup of coffee
There is nothing wrong
with being evil today.
Or yesterday too.
by People love it! of In their secret minds.
Who was it brought that
divine potato salad
with portobello?
by So unique!
Mixing molasses
and mayonnaise will give you
malaise... right right right.
by Tell me I'm wrong!
am who I be, you see now.
All is revealed.
The piggy squealed.
Prosciutto violate.
Look at all that blood.
Thick tar under the moonlight.
You can swim in it.
Horrible buffet.
The potato salad's good.
But that's about it.
Soon the world will end.
The trillionaires all know it.
Escape while you can.
by Ceti alphs something something
there is a tension
of control and power that
feels like elastic
being pulled, ready
to break, snap and people feel
malaise in the air
by vhs
censorious twitter
disliking someone on these
mainstream platforms, my...
they'd have had a boo
hoo hoo in the 90s
then be told to shut
the frak up
by vhs of and I'm the big snowflake on here!
me cat is named as
an adorable critter
a secret agent
his name must not be
but 007 kitty
by vhs
Seriously y'all
Thank you for every dumb poem
But die Russian bots
by Janis of SQL custodial staff room
Super old website
Some edited css
Man shows up on phone
by Janis of 25 years of light moderation
This is my cat's name:
Tremble before Jesus Christ,
Your Lord and your Judge.
by Kitty Kat of Revelation
The Word of the Lord.
We must hear and obey it.
That is our duty.
by Kind of Obvious.
what is your cat's name, vhs?
by Starkitten
it should be shut down
rotten wormy dogs and all
the world will soon end
by Anonymous Poet
Rotten Chinee man:
I will eat you AND your dog.
With my haiku. Burpp.
by Japanese Nip of Imperial Rising Sun Shogun Forces
What works what doesn't
Matter of practice trial mood
Display, error, blah
by Mox
Well blahnik blahnik blahnik
Let's go blahnik...take
Me to your blahnik
by Mox
Your work displays a certain
indecisive blah . . .
by Muh Maine Man of Moxierama
That must be some them
There ruskie bots selling those
Boner pills...bitcoins?
by Mox
is it just me or
is living solitude a
state of being, not?
by vhs