"'Cause ya know what, man?
I'm just a big old square, man.
by Lenny Goonagan of Vinyl Disc
No, I'd rather watch
someone else do math problems
Just sit back and watch
by Spectator of Mathematics
Do you enjoy math?
What field interests you?
I can count to ten.
by Leonhard Euler
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by Sinezubovvsb of Russia
I noticed that, too
mathhamphetamine addict
You know, a "math head."
by Noticer
Wow, someone's trippin'.
I suspect somethin' extra
in those blue gummies.
by Might have to try those.
Oh god, it's WIMMEN!
They done led my soul astray.
Like dope and likker.
by Liquor of Lil' Abner Comics with that hottie
Clem git muh Bible!
Haiku demon....ah caint quit.
Lord hits warse then dope.
by Smoky Mountain Gothic of 1929 an' cornpone
Them women's pee-hole:
Why it has another part
That's inside of there
by Amateur Guynekology of Hillbilly Clinic
Yes Lord I have sinned.
I'll probably keep sinning.
It's me. You do you.
by Absolute Sanctification of Heavenly Perfection
Me want haiku more.
Want BIG haiku more better
Haiku make good life
by John Frum of Cargo Cult 1947
Halloween is cool.
Horror is hilarious.
Something in the air...
by Caramel Apples of Halloween Past
I ate blue gummy.
Only one-half. Driving home,
Felt like different road (?)
by Nation On Drugs
Me big chief haiku.
Drink'um 24-pack. Ugh.
Then drive to Gallup.
by Starkitten Lives on the "Rez" of Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
If you found the corpse,
would you take it home to eat
or feed to your cat?
by Think of the money you'd save.
Is it possible
to overdose on gummies?
Asking for a friend.
Which would kill you first,
sugar or the THC?
Let's experiment.
That's what gay guys say.
"You need to experiment."
I ask "Dissection?"
There are two genders.
Me and everybody else.
My private commode.
The weight of the world
gives me a hopeless feeling.
More so when I write.
by Aliens piss me off. of Because they aren't to be found.
Some guy died right there
Overdosed in his camper
Meth heads got his spot
by Rezkitten of pnw
The Antichrist world
Denies gender and hates whites.
But it loves A.I !
by I Love My White Culture of Kumbaya
Who is on the rez?
Furniture-burning meth heads?
Those were skinwalkers.
by Harrison Begay of Ship Rock AZ
I think it's high time
Bad Haiku needs new branding
Sample Bad Figpoo
by Influencer of of Influencers
slink slink slink slink slink
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink
pink slink pink slink pink
by Pinkstarpanther of Halloween
The meth heads next door
burned up all their furniture
for firewood this week
by Noticer of Rez Life
You're too smart for that
Aliens can't abduct you
Believe me, we tried
So we enjoy you
from afar. You're a big star!
The show's called Cheez-Wiz
by A show about a math wizard of who has surprisingly good taste in cheese
The kid was home schooled
Dumber than a box of rocks
But he loved Jesus
by Anonymous Poet
To be abducted.
My number one fantasy.
I'll skip the probe though.
by I get enough of that at work. of ... Don't we all.
Discover and
History Channel are porn
for the intellect.
by Sometimes the brain needs a good laugh. of A break from calculating while bending over, lubed up with cash. Aliens.
You know who I am.
That has become obvious.
But what about you?
I don't think you're real.
Or at least not a human.
AI or a ghost.
Maybe alien.
Or ghost alien AI.
History Channel.
by No, I don't really watch that crap. of But it's fun to peek.
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by Anoutsibe of Afghanistan
The name's Frost. Jack Frost.
I've got a long icicle.
Let's Netflix and chill?
by Farter of Dry ice
I don't understand
why anyone likes wind chimes
I just like the wind
by Enough of these fucking wind chimes
Oh, tiramisu
vuoi scopare la torta
saro il dulce
by Puss of da Boot
Halloween costume
Conjoined twins hitched at the ass
"We shit our pants, Mom."
by Anonymous Poet
Elon take the wheel
Ya creepy mother fucker
With yer dick rocket
by Mike Tyson
When you eat snowmen
Feast on the carrot nose/dink
Good for your eyesight
by Noticer of Healthy Choices
Frosty the Snowman,
covered in snow-cone syrup,
eaten by children.
by Oh, the humanity!
Jesus take the wheel
But he really shouldn't drive
with those sandals on
by Noticer of Details
Evil is afoot.
Janis is a murderer.
She wasted Frosty.
by I won't tell though.
Halloween: the night
When damned souls with all the saints
Get down and party.
by Lazarus of Dead Twice
Steak, lobster, okra,
Beaujolais, and for dessert,
tiramisu cake.
by We can laugh at the escargot eaters.
Is Janis sexy?
Maybe she is Starkitten.
They both like bad math.
You plus me, subtract
the clothing, divide the legs,
and then multiply.
by Memories.
We need a contest.
Haiku with most letters wins.
Lifetime free pizza.
Paid for by Janis.
What a great idea that is.
Tell all of your friends!
Hold up, that won't work.
Poets don't have any friends.
That's why they're poets.
by I give up. of Oh well, if I won I'd be a lard-ass in a month.
Spice up your sex life.
Ghost pepper enema bag.
What doesn't kill you.
by Look on the bright side. of You'll never need to buy pepper spray.
The state of the earth.
Parallels my life's downfall.
And keeps getting worse.
by I'm thinking it's a good day to run over school children for Jesus. of I will tell the judge they might grow up to be poets. I'll walk.
Break me off a piece.
walking cannibal jerky
yeah, give me a piece
by Break me off a piece of that Fig-Kat bar
Amelia Earhart
flying by the seat of her
bright red Lockheed cunt
by Noticer of something fishy
Santa Jesus God
How many of our mothers
has Santa Claus fucked?
by Noticer of Jolly Motherfucker of North "Pole"
The cod liver oil
of suspicious origin.
Mary Poppins twat
by Spoonful of something
Does Santa Claus poop?
Does it look like a snowball?
Or a lump of coal?
by Noticer of Details
Is there any news
of the erect chimneysweep
stuck all day at work?
Andy Williams sings:
it's the holiday season
doo dee doo dee doo
by He's coming down the chimney now!
Mary Poppins Twat
can also double as an
umbrella stand
as a
by Anonymous Poet of in the most delightful way