Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 118 Days and 77570 Haiku later...

9 lines of blow
Haiku # 72727, October 17, 2021 8:36 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Seven cups of Joe
And I'll have lines of blow
Please make that to go
Haiku # 72726, October 17, 2021 8:35 am ET
by Jittery Priest of Sunday morning commute
You say "dog", I drool.
Been in Asia far too long.
I fart oolong.
Haiku # 72725, October 17, 2021 8:33 am ET
by Canine is fine like wine.
Cloaca tickler
You have the right to remain
silent. (Bluto did it)
Haiku # 72724, October 17, 2021 8:32 am ET
by Ribbit of Frog Pond (grenouilles)
You went bird hunting?
Here's my poultry recipe:
Pheasant under ass.
Haiku # 72723, October 17, 2021 8:27 am ET
by budda boom, budda bing.
Dogs startled by farts
chase their tails in circles
Do wolves act like this?
Haiku # 72722, October 17, 2021 8:26 am ET
by Curiosities of Canines
Legal cannabis.
China's scheme to bring us down.
Too stoned to fight back.

Ruthless little gooks.
The invasion will be swift.
All crackers will die.

You think it's not true?!
Corona was just the start.
Better nuke them now.
Haiku # 72721, October 17, 2021 8:25 am ET
by War is coming, one way or another.
Pigeon on Sunday
Post church bird execution
Squib Featherplucker
Haiku # 72720, October 17, 2021 8:23 am ET
by Classy Motherfucker
Artisan meat stick
You are a tasty morsel
Darthcuterie board
Haiku # 72719, October 17, 2021 8:19 am ET
by Feeling of Peckish
I do believe that
the most racist restaurant
is Cracker Barrel.
Haiku # 72718, October 17, 2021 8:18 am ET
by Aptly named, though.
You are so edgy.
Using the N-word like that.
Jappos would approve.

Isn't it strange how
Asians will hide from the sun
so not to be dark.

Such odd behavior.
Little yellow vampires.
Stealing others' souls.

But their twats are tight
and their prostitutes are cheap.
What more could you ask.
Haiku # 72717, October 17, 2021 8:17 am ET
by Racism is awesome!
Waiting room. Bored stiff
Incessantly tumescent
under fluorescents
Haiku # 72716, October 17, 2021 8:14 am ET
by Sticky Magazines of Do not remove from waiting room
I have lost again.
Please consume my stinking corpse.
I'm no sore loser.

But please rate my corpse.
On a scale of one to ten,
How was the flavor?
Haiku # 72715, October 17, 2021 8:08 am ET
by Customer relations department. of Kolkata
All male orgies
are nowhere near as gay as
pumpkin spice latte.
Haiku # 72714, October 17, 2021 8:03 am ET
by Meditate on this. You know I speak only of The Truth!
I have won again!
Now to consume the corpses.
Your haiku corpses.
Haiku # 72713, October 17, 2021 7:21 am ET
by Haiku as Cannibalistic Competitive Bloodsport
Haiku was once gold.
But through reverse alchemy
Haiku is now lead.
Haiku # 72712, October 17, 2021 7:17 am ET
by Weighty and Dull of Elemental Health
Call the S.P.L.C.
Seriously, call them now.
They owe me money.
Haiku # 72711, October 17, 2021 7:14 am ET
by Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire
Hey now, no racism.
Only blacks can say nigger.
And you are not black.
Haiku # 72710, October 17, 2021 7:12 am ET
by Yo Shut Up of Bitch, PLEASE
Haiku worse den crack.
Yo, I'm serious, nigger...
Haiku get you HIGH.
Haiku # 72709, October 17, 2021 7:08 am ET
by Dave Chapelle of Not a White Person Using the N-word
Monsieur, je vous dis
Que vraiment vous etes un con
Entre tous les cons.
Haiku # 72708, October 17, 2021 7:04 am ET
by Louis le Roi-soleil of Fontainebleau (still looking for my head)
Janis, Janis, HELP !
They are being mean to me.
Please censor them, please!
Haiku # 72707, October 17, 2021 6:59 am ET
by Poetry of Victimization
We had to spay her.
We didn't want the Rockettes
in our living room.
Haiku # 72706, October 17, 2021 6:57 am ET
by High Kicking Beauty of Radio City
About that pet rock:
Mine was from the rock shelter.
We toilet-trained her.
Haiku # 72705, October 17, 2021 6:54 am ET
by Gimme Shelter of Rape Murder
Satan is a ghost.
Ghost of a long-dead insect.
And an algorithm.
Haiku # 72704, October 17, 2021 6:51 am ET
by Diabolic Cybernetix of Intertoobs
Old devil is BEAT!
Ha ha ha satan has lost.
That's what makes you mad.
Haiku # 72703, October 17, 2021 6:48 am ET
by Praising the Lord Jesus While You Read This and He is LORD of LORDS !!!!!
Did you ever hear
Lux Interior of Cramps
Sing "Surfin' Bird" live?
Haiku # 72702, October 17, 2021 6:43 am ET
by Cultural Zenith of Occidental Society
Mom, I just can't stop.
Can't stop counting syllables.
More Ovaltine, please!
Haiku # 72701, October 17, 2021 6:36 am ET
by Voice from my Radio of But it is turned off...
The Anasazi
Mogollon and Hohokam
And all of their gods
Haiku # 72700, October 17, 2021 6:34 am ET
by Archeology of Forgot the Flaked Point
Do not change your sex.
It will be hard to shop for
Underwear and stuff.
Haiku # 72699, October 17, 2021 6:30 am ET
by Certain Surgery Clinic In Trinidad CO
There are two genders.
Just two. That means only two.
As in not more than.
Haiku # 72698, October 17, 2021 6:26 am ET
by Thorry About That Thweety
Jesus loves haiku!
I know because He told me.
We shall all wear crowns.
Haiku # 72697, October 17, 2021 6:24 am ET
by Haiku Heaven of Barkin' like a Rooster, Shoutin' and Stompin' the Devil
Sunday morning.
Get thee to a nunnery.
But leave Darth at home.
Haiku # 72696, October 17, 2021 6:20 am ET
by Haiku Reminder of Vatican Secret Council
Chaka Shandara
Babakila Hungawa
Haiku # 72695, October 17, 2021 6:18 am ET
by Your Friendly Local Hysteric Pentecostal
Stars can't stay married.
What on earth is their problem...
Is it due to their
Haiku # 72694, October 17, 2021 6:15 am ET
by Being Egotistical Narcissists?
Ah shore does love them
fresh Garfinkels an' cornpone
With some hog side-meat.
Haiku # 72693, October 17, 2021 6:10 am ET
by Uncle Cletus of Rockin' on ma Front Porch
The Sounds of Silence
Bridge Over Troubled Water:
I LOVE the Monkees!
Haiku # 72692, October 17, 2021 6:06 am ET
by Carrie Fisher of Calling 911 from my Mansion on Drugs
We walked in silence
That is, until I farted
And that's when you screamed
Haiku # 72691, October 17, 2021 5:26 am ET
by Gendarme! Gendarme!! of France
Robot vagina
How come you smell like a trout?
Big metal fish lips
Haiku # 72690, October 17, 2021 5:11 am ET
by No dust of No rust
Mechanical Turk
Pays one cent for each haiku
if they're about poop
Haiku # 72689, October 17, 2021 1:50 am ET
by Career Counselor of Old Willow Employment Agency
Are you a Simon?
Or more of a Garfunkle?
Report back to me

She had a pet rock
Was it beastiality?
That's what the song means

Central Park squirrel
Simon and Garfunkle fuck
He buries his nuts
Haiku # 72688, October 16, 2021 8:53 pm ET
by Noticer of details
Drank beer; ate blue cheese.
Prehistoric salt miners.
Poo tells their story.
Haiku # 72687, October 16, 2021 8:20 pm ET
by Archeological outhouse of In google news.
Detonation. Yes!
I am so excited now.
Her pussy gets me--
Haiku # 72686, October 16, 2021 6:47 pm ET
by Trying to Service her Vehicle
You know you want to.
Donate so we'll detonate
Bring peace to this earth.
Haiku # 72685, October 16, 2021 6:40 pm ET
by Accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. of But no BitCoin.
If you detonate
seven nuclear warheads,
Jesus will arive.
Haiku # 72684, October 16, 2021 6:38 pm ET
by Branch Oppenheimerians of Donate today.
Do you have problems
trying to connect to your
wireless printer?
Haiku # 72683, October 16, 2021 6:35 pm ET
general electric copy that
bots and machines willl not rule
without our control
Haiku # 72682, October 16, 2021 4:58 pm ET
by Harald Zach of Austria
paul simon once wrote
"like she loves me like a rock"
explain this badly
Haiku # 72681, October 16, 2021 4:56 pm ET
by scotch
stanley knife Q bricked
you tool in race to the moon
clear water solution
Haiku # 72680, October 16, 2021 4:48 pm ET
by Harald Zach of Austria
Beware of the curses
attached to haunted shipwrecks
Don't take souvenirs
Haiku # 72679, October 16, 2021 5:56 am ET
by Dog of Sea
It's on Google
Batman's underwater cave
connects to Roswell
Haiku # 72678, October 16, 2021 5:51 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
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