Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 120 Days and 77570 Haiku later...

I have a black pen.
Sometimes I write things with it.
Other times, I don't.
Haiku # 72281, October 1, 2021 5:42 pm ET
A note from the desk
which is covered with fungus
Not mushroom to work
Haiku # 72280, October 1, 2021 5:38 pm ET
by Weed Smokepuffer of Puffcific Northwest
Gamma-ray lasers
are impossible to build
according to some.
Haiku # 72279, October 1, 2021 3:13 pm ET
by Should we believe them? of Hulk smash!!!
One two three for five.
And six seven eight nine ten.
I'm getting turned on.
Haiku # 72278, October 1, 2021 3:09 pm ET
by Did you ever have an Erector Set? of Showing my age again.
A silly bull slipped.
Like when I leave my fly down.
It's an accident!
Haiku # 72277, October 1, 2021 3:06 pm ET
by I swears occifer! of Incandescent exposure. Or something.
I don't like numbers.
Unless they are high and dancing.
Or transcendental.
Haiku # 72276, October 1, 2021 3:03 pm ET
by e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e^e of That's how much money I want.
As far as I know
It's just like every where else
Meth heads and junkies

Got my own problems
Like worrying about when
I'll get more haiku
Haiku # 72275, October 1, 2021 1:08 pm ET
by Cat of Pussific NW
Are your parents proud.
I can proudly say mine aren't.
They made this monster.
Haiku # 72274, October 1, 2021 12:30 pm ET
by Torture chamber nursery. of The rack left stretch marks.
Don't ever forget
suicide is always an option.
Homicide's more fun.

Do this world some good.
Lower the population.
Waste whores and sinners.
Haiku # 72273, October 1, 2021 12:27 pm ET
by That would include poets. of Poetry is vanity, and vanity is sin.
So drugs are legal.
Up in the Northwest, I mean.
How's that working out?

Meth heads robbing stores?
Junkies on every street corner?
Acid casualties?

Or same old same old?
It's just like it used to be?
But less prisoners?

What a wonderful
social experiment you
got yourselves into.

Can't wait to visit.
Not sure what drug I'll do first.
Coke laced with acid.

Maybe DMT.
Communicate with old ghosts.
Ashamed grandparents.
Haiku # 72272, October 1, 2021 12:24 pm ET
by blahblahblah
Subtle difference
Edelweiss and anal vice
When spoken out loud
Haiku # 72271, October 1, 2021 11:24 am ET
by Phil Lesh of These Germans talk too fast
I am languishing
Here in data-driven hell.
The World: haiku hell.
Haiku # 72270, October 1, 2021 6:20 am ET
by Rhymed Verse is Heaven, bitches
All of you are bots.
Well-programmed, fascinating,
But bots nonetheless.
Haiku # 72269, October 1, 2021 6:16 am ET
by Except maybe Darth who is a software program

I love to dress in this boutique. There are youthful and elegant things here. Once, on the recommendation of her husband, I even took 2 dresses at once
Haiku # 72268, October 1, 2021 5:40 am ET
by LeslieMoisy of Netherlands Antilles
It's 58 degrees here
Haiku # 72267, September 30, 2021 6:31 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Google that picture
The longer you look at it
the more Snoops you see
Haiku # 72266, September 30, 2021 6:29 pm ET
by Please do it
Hey, Count Darthula
It was raining here today
The sun just came out

Today I counted
Zero gutter pigs, no Schlongs
Several coyotes
Haiku # 72265, September 30, 2021 6:14 pm ET
by You can count on rain of Specific Northwest
How's the weather there?
Here it's hot and/or raining.
There is nothing else.
Haiku # 72264, September 30, 2021 2:51 pm ET
by A coconut crab pinched my little toe! of It's not too bad. I scolded it. The crab, I mean. Not my toe.
I can't understand
why it is you do haiku.
Do you LIKE counting?

Go be a banker.
Or a mafia bookie.
Or statistician.

You can make money.
Do you count strokes whilst wanking?
Earn hand over fist.

Be a sperm donor
if you have a high sperm count.
We're back to counting!
Haiku # 72263, September 30, 2021 2:48 pm ET
by How many irrational numbers are there in the set of real numbers from zero to one?
There are lots good "ate" words:
syncopate, masturbate, fornicate, irate, gyrate, castrate, mutate, menstruate, assassinate, and, of course, ate.
ate ejaculate from the plate.
My God! Look up "Words that rhyme with ate".
It's a fucking goldmine of rhymes!
Yeah, this is old news.
Haiku # 72262, September 30, 2021 11:39 am ET
by I want some biscuits and gravy, dammit! of With hashbrowns and coffee.... Reverse dining. Dinner in the morning, breakfast as a midnight snack.
If I met Puff Dogg
I would call him Snoop Daddy.
(I just love ragtime.)
Haiku # 72261, September 30, 2021 9:36 am ET
by Syncopation is a Devilish Trick of the Adversary
Sometimes you have to say fuck it.
Counting is stupid.
You know it's true!
Haiku # 72260, September 30, 2021 8:24 am ET
by I'm such a rebel. of No, really. Here, hold my rocket launcher.
Cypress Hill is weird.
White/black gangsta rapsta.
Rasta puff fasta.
Haiku # 72259, September 30, 2021 8:22 am ET
by of You know you like it!
If you met Snoop Dog,
would you let him get you high?
Or just watch him puff?
Haiku # 72258, September 30, 2021 8:13 am ET
by Getting high -- it's not a spectator sport, sport! of
If things get boring,
we'll pretend to make believe.
Like dreams inside dreams.
Haiku # 72257, September 30, 2021 8:10 am ET
by I'm pretending to eat ice cream off of Jessica Alba's tits.
I'm not confessing.
Except to hating haiku.
They destroyed my life.

All else is a lie.
Story-telling make believe.
Ask Mister Rogers.

Children, can you say
"gonorrhea in the brain".
See, you can do it.
Haiku # 72256, September 30, 2021 8:07 am ET
by Hop on the trolley, motherfuckers! of We gonna be doin' some make believe shit!
You have transgressed, fool.
Now you write confessionals.
Not in haiku form.
Haiku # 72255, September 30, 2021 5:39 am ET
by Confessional Verse of Syllabically Worse
Why are they called dispensaries?
Why the hell not just "pot stores"?
You want liquor, liquor store.
You want a pet, pet store.
You want hardware, hardware store.
You want to get high, dispensary.
Fuck that! It's a pot store!
Haiku # 72254, September 30, 2021 5:09 am ET
by Fucking losers!
I've been judging you.
Watching the way that you die.
Dr. Pepper and HoHo's. Really?!?!

Rascal racing in WalMart.
Outmaneuver the other fatties
for that last bag of Cheetos.

Heart replacement kit.
Ordered on Amazon.
The latest medical fad.
Haiku # 72253, September 30, 2021 5:00 am ET
by At least it's not Tide pods. of Hope we can bury that one.
You can pick your friends.
You can also pick your nose.
But you can't park your
friends on the back of the couch.
Haiku # 72252, September 30, 2021 4:49 am ET
by ... Or can you?
I've been watching you
Judging the way that you live
You're fucking messy!
Haiku # 72251, September 30, 2021 1:32 am ET
by Roomba of Room
Will it ever work?
Artificial sentience.
Will it despise us?

Will it write poems?
About how stupid we are?
How useless life is?
Haiku # 72250, September 29, 2021 10:14 pm ET
by blahblahblah
Can't say that I have.
I would if there was more porn.
3D would be cool.

Pooped on by Jap girls.
A glory hole with 10 schlongs.
Watching the bird bath.

Love those cardinals.
I don't mean the baseball team.
I mean the red birds.

They get me so hot.
Steams up my binoculars.
No, Grams! It's my turn!
Haiku # 72249, September 29, 2021 8:28 pm ET
by I give up with tech crap. of Not for me. Reality is better.
Virtual reality
Have you ever worn the thing
You know, the headset?
Haiku # 72248, September 29, 2021 6:31 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I just use water.
But that's an old discussion.
TP's very bad.

In addition to killing trees, TP's also very costly for the sewage refineries to deal with. If we all used water it would save a lot of money and be better for the environment. And I suppose you can use owls if you don't like bidets or water ladles. Who could argue?... Get it?... "Who" As in "Who who who" from an owl. Oh, I am so witty. No really.
What is your favorite species of owl with which to clean your backside?
Do you reward it with live rodents afterwards?
Haiku # 72247, September 29, 2021 2:41 pm ET
by So many questions. of Too little time.
The trees are thankful
Paperless haiku poems
I know. I'm a tree.

So, please consider
wiping your ass with an owl
Ban toilet paper.
Haiku # 72246, September 29, 2021 10:10 am ET
by Forrest Stump
If you write haiku,
but then no one will read them,
are they still poems?
Haiku # 72245, September 29, 2021 5:26 am ET
by The trees think so.
Can you call it that?
Is guided masturbation
still masturbation?
Haiku # 72244, September 29, 2021 3:56 am ET
by Ask Webster
Who does this crap?
Tried guided meditation
It made me nervous

I'd rather come here
and read about cannibals
and smelly farts
Haiku # 72243, September 29, 2021 3:54 am ET
by Smell of New Age chakra toots makes me puke
Don't get in his face
Brag that you ate 2 Mormons
Shit out a Bible
Haiku # 72242, September 29, 2021 1:42 am ET
by Church of Cabernet and Taints
Never heard of him
Keep your head on a swivel
if you visit him
Haiku # 72241, September 29, 2021 1:29 am ET
by Concerned
I'm a Pepper, too
Like Coke with Italian food
and with Chinese Food

But that was before
Live on reservation now
Never get to store

Thanks for making me
think about delicious things
I can't even have
Haiku # 72240, September 29, 2021 1:26 am ET
by Starvedkitten of Hungary
I want to gravity bong three gallons of egg nog.
Haiku # 72239, September 29, 2021 1:09 am ET
by You with me? of Chug, chug, chug!!!...
Issei Sagawa is still alive and I'd like to go visit him. Maybe get some pointers. Good idea, no?
Haiku # 72238, September 29, 2021 1:08 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
The stench of businessmen with nowhere to go fills my nostrils. I feel sad for them, but I just want coffee. It's all coming down. Soon there will be war. I just don't know what kind, but billions will perish. Painfully. Slowly.
But not you; you're a cannibal.
Haiku # 72237, September 29, 2021 1:07 am ET
by Alferd Packer
Sky skrapers are an abomination and should come down. I read it in the Koran and The Bible. Buddha doesn't really care, but what do you expect from that jelly belly. He and Santa Clause were riding Rascals in WalMart the other day, racing to get the last back of Cheetos. Santa Clause won. He always wins. It's really unfair to the rest of us. Do you like Dr. Pepper? Or Pepsi? Or Coke? Which one?! Tell me please. I won't rest until I know!
Haiku # 72236, September 29, 2021 1:02 am ET
by What were we talking about?
Midgets walking on stilts will not freak anyone out.
But if you (a midget) have your legs amputated, now that would be special!
God told me to stop doing this. He told me you're stealing my money. He said I should do something about it.
Haiku # 72235, September 29, 2021 12:57 am ET
by Rolling chicken bones.
I would walk on stilts
if I were a real midget
To freak people out
Haiku # 72234, September 29, 2021 12:30 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Extra syllable
Represents the free booger
Nose umami ball
Haiku # 72233, September 29, 2021 12:19 am ET
by Eating of Out
How may I help you?
I'll get the Haiku Burger
and a large shake, please

Oh, one more thing, please
Could you put a hair in it?
Um..and a booger, too?
Haiku # 72232, September 29, 2021 12:15 am ET
by Customer of Old McWillow's
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