Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 121 Days and 77570 Haiku later...

You know what that's called
Yankee ingenuity
'til it's stuck up there
Haiku # 72069, September 19, 2021 8:41 am ET
by Noticer of You picked the short straw
Juice pouches are death.
You can overdose on them.
Sweetened enemas.
Haiku # 72068, September 19, 2021 7:51 am ET
by I need some better drugs.
At least you didn't
marry a Filipino;
lying, scamming cheats.

Do not marry whores.
Schlong wiped with one K pesos.
Stick to her forehead.

I am just joking!
You can hate me if you want.
I kind of like whores.

There is honesty.
Which beats fake love any day.
And it's way cheaper!
Haiku # 72067, September 18, 2021 9:38 pm ET
by The oldest profession.
Who flew Haitians in
From their island paradise?
George Soros airlines?
Haiku # 72066, September 18, 2021 5:24 pm ET
by Toussaint of Tout N'est Pas Saint
No, I got married
But the groom was the devil
so I got divorced
Haiku # 72065, September 18, 2021 5:16 pm ET
by Gatinha Estrela
The haiku question:
Why were you in Portugal...
Solving McCann case?
Haiku # 72064, September 18, 2021 5:11 pm ET
by Butler Diddit
I was in Portugal
Haiku # 72063, September 18, 2021 4:48 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Marijuana use
Took a break for eighteen years
But I'm back at it
Haiku # 72062, September 18, 2021 4:47 pm ET
by Medicinal catnip of My own personal Amsterdam
So where were you, Cat?
Wait, don't tell me -- Amsterdam!
Eternally stoned.
Haiku # 72061, September 18, 2021 11:28 am ET
by Right?
Any time is a good time to read The Bible, Janis.
Haiku # 72060, September 18, 2021 11:25 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
It's worse overseas.
Local travel restrictions.
No freedom at all.

Middle class gets effed.
Only poor and rich are free.
And politicians.

Kids must stay at home.
No stores, malls, or public parks.
I want to shoot cops.

Okay, maybe not.
But you know what I'm sayin'.
Sucks without freedom.
Haiku # 72059, September 18, 2021 11:22 am ET
by Anaughtymouse poet.
Jesus driven shit
Afraid of actual facts
Needs horse dewormer
Haiku # 72058, September 18, 2021 10:53 am ET
by Poops on Duck
Data-driven shit
is what passes for life now:
Outcome-based death cult.
Haiku # 72057, September 18, 2021 9:36 am ET
by To Hell With All of Them
One World fanatics
will be the death of us all.
(Time to read Bible.)
Haiku # 72056, September 18, 2021 9:31 am ET
by Janis of Toronto
Totalitarian measures
for the neurotics.
Haiku # 72055, September 18, 2021 9:22 am ET
by Fear and Alarm is their Religion
Last movie I saw
in a real movie theatre
was Castaway, dude
Haiku # 72054, September 18, 2021 3:45 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Moved back to US
after eleven years gone.
This world is fucked up
Haiku # 72053, September 18, 2021 3:38 am ET
by Cat
I'm not really sure
because I'm isolated.
I don't go to town

I've got my vaccines
People can travel , I think
Mask order is back here

Prices are higher
Stores have low inventory
It's fucked, in general
Haiku # 72052, September 18, 2021 3:30 am ET
by housecat
What took me away?
The "affordable" care act.
And doing business.

But answer some of my questions, if you don't mind. How is the US now?
Haiku # 72051, September 18, 2021 2:51 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Missing syllable
symbolizes the best fart
you've released so far
Haiku # 72050, September 18, 2021 1:37 am ET
by Guru of Farts
I'm just wondering
how many farts you have cut
in this lifetime?
Haiku # 72049, September 18, 2021 1:34 am ET
by Old (smelly) Soul
When was the last time
you came to America?
What took you away?
Haiku # 72048, September 17, 2021 11:51 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers
God was listening
Haiku # 72047, September 17, 2021 11:44 pm ET
by Power of Prayers (and thoughts)
Just letting you know.
Windstorm knocked up your grandma.
Or it's the postman.
Haiku # 72046, September 17, 2021 11:17 pm ET
by He brings the package!
So how's life in the USA under lockdown? Can you travel from state to state (or town to town) without a travel pass? Do the police harass you and threaten to put you in jail if you don't have a mask? Have prices skyrocketed? Lot of things unavailable in stores? Poverty increased? Can you still go out and see a movie? Is every death ascribed to covid? Can you still eat in a restaurant? Are there curfews? Bars shut down? Liquor bans?
Haiku # 72045, September 17, 2021 11:15 pm ET
by So sick of this covid response... fuck it, let's all get it and be done with this shit!
It is redundant
to say "Filipina whore".
Say Filipina.
Haiku # 72044, September 17, 2021 11:11 pm ET
by You know... at least with whores, it's half way honest. of Not like it is with emus.
No, no, no, no, no, good sir!
It's more fun with scabs!
Haiku # 72043, September 17, 2021 11:08 pm ET
by Go ask your grandma. of She remembers back in the days before penis-ill-in.
Just letting you know
Windstorm knocked out the power
I may need your help
Haiku # 72042, September 17, 2021 8:43 pm ET
by Powerless
That Phillipine whore:
Pull out of her right away.
You are in danger.
Haiku # 72041, September 17, 2021 8:23 pm ET
by She Make Fiki-fik Good Price of Antibiotics
That Phillipine whore:
Pull out of her right away.
You are in danger.
Haiku # 72040, September 17, 2021 8:22 pm ET
by She Make Fiki-fik Good Price of Antibiotics
Thou hast defiled
All thy dwellings, foul cherub.
And hell awaits thee.
Haiku # 72039, September 17, 2021 5:38 pm ET
by Increase Mather of Cotton's Father
Woe unto thee, Darth.
Thou art a vile libertine.
Repent while there's time.
Haiku # 72038, September 17, 2021 5:33 pm ET
by Cotton Mather of Haiku
The Lord then spoke
Go Ye forth and masturbate
But closeth the blinds
Haiku # 72037, September 17, 2021 3:50 pm ET
by Ejaculations 24:7 of Google Maps
I'm watching South Park.
I should be masturbating.
Or smoking some crack.
Haiku # 72036, September 17, 2021 1:20 pm ET
by Drugs are bad, mkay.
Please, someone, somewhere,
Anyone other than Darth,
Write a Haiku here.
Haiku # 72035, September 17, 2021 10:59 am ET
by Haiku Intervention Support Team 78 of Basho Unit B
I might bathe today.
It's been about seven days.
My balls are funky.

Have you ever been
stung by sea urchins "down there".
It beats viagra.
Haiku # 72034, September 17, 2021 8:51 am ET
by If you don't believe me, ask those girls in Angeles City.
Some eat electric eel.
South American natives.
Saw it on the tube.
Haiku # 72032, September 17, 2021 7:39 am ET
by Ages ago.
When I lift my kilt
You'll see the Loch Ness Monster
or crumpled bagpipes
Haiku # 72030, September 17, 2021 12:43 am ET
by Shape shifting of Scotland
Glow in the dark poop
if you eat electric eel?
A pity to flush.
Haiku # 72029, September 17, 2021 12:36 am ET
by Patron of GrubHub
All of these Barneys--
Caveman, dinosaur, sherrif--
naked with whipped cream.
Haiku # 72028, September 17, 2021 12:21 am ET
by No, it's not exactly Maybury.
When you love your work
It doesn't feel like a job
she said, and kneeled down
Haiku # 72027, September 16, 2021 4:02 pm ET
by Employee of Working through Lunch
Cross dressing Senior
My new pronouns are, Sag Tits
and roast beef sandwich
Haiku # 72026, September 16, 2021 3:55 pm ET
by Terrence Trenchmouth D'Arby's of Arby's
Post coital house fire
Spontaneous combustion
Smoking after sex
Haiku # 72025, September 16, 2021 3:47 pm ET
by Baffled of Holding Hose
I insured my fart
I went with the full coverage
I mean, shat my pants

The salesman was nice
I feel bad my fart killed him
during the phone call
Haiku # 72024, September 16, 2021 3:40 pm ET
by Darther Miller Death of a Salesman
You are quite welcome.
Sadly I'm rather boring.
These poems are lies.
Haiku # 72023, September 16, 2021 2:09 pm ET
by But you knew that, right?
What you all write here
Helps make me feel more normal
Not a compliment
Haiku # 72022, September 16, 2021 10:51 am ET
by Moist Ointment
Don't need insurance.
Wait, you sell fart insurance?
That might be handy.
Haiku # 72021, September 16, 2021 9:45 am ET
by I love telemarketers and their Indian accents.
Forgive me father,
I have not sinned; I am sin.
All sins of this realm.

I need to be cleansed.
Holy water will not work.
Try nitric acid.
Haiku # 72020, September 16, 2021 9:41 am ET
by Timothy McVeigh's pet Iguana, Mr. Slithers. of Maybe not, but you never know.
What is wrong with you?
Cat amputated your tongue?
Not like you need it.

It tells only lies.
You don't know how to use it.
For anything good.
Haiku # 72019, September 16, 2021 9:15 am ET
by ...
Uncle John's at it.
Drunk and humping the carpet.
An awkward "rope burn".
Haiku # 72018, September 16, 2021 12:59 am ET
by Tyler Chad Harris
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