Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 124 Days and 77579 Haiku later...

Elon Musk should make
brain chips like potato chips
made from human brains.
Haiku # 71180, August 11, 2021 5:26 pm ET
by Oh... He did that already??? of Damn.
I'm sick of this life.
And all the people in it.
Can't we all jusr die?!
Haiku # 71179, August 11, 2021 5:22 pm ET
by What a beautiful world it could be of Right?!
Sometimes I'm tempted
to poop the holy water
and blame my parents.
Haiku # 71178, August 11, 2021 5:18 pm ET
by Just kidding... I would blame TV. of Maybe video games.
Birds stole my bagel.
A hag bumped my coffee down.
And so you should die.
Haiku # 71177, August 11, 2021 5:14 pm ET
by Have you ever lifted the lid to a public toilet tank and taken a dump inside it just for kicks? of I'm glad I'm not the only one. Great minds think alike, eh?
This is too much work.
Remember when it was fun?
I sure as hell don't.
Haiku # 71176, August 11, 2021 5:10 pm ET
by Pessimistic practcal proctologist. of Practically pragmatic problems.
Her enormous cunt
is like an airline hangar;
Huge, dry, and dusty.
Haiku # 71175, August 11, 2021 5:07 pm ET
by Lube those engines!
Which are funnier:
Queefs, farts, burps, or dead babies?
Or dead baby farts.
Haiku # 71174, August 11, 2021 5:04 pm ET
by Mung salad.
My asshole is loose.
I'm so used to getting fucked.
Christ I hate people.
Haiku # 71173, August 11, 2021 5:02 pm ET
by If God loved me, he'd send an asteroid to kill us all.
How often I see
scibbledy garbledy gook
and a dead spam link.
Haiku # 71172, August 11, 2021 5:00 pm ET
by Might as well be ancient Babblonian.
One of these fine days
I am going kill you.
With a garden rake.
Haiku # 71170, August 11, 2021 12:41 am ET
by Hoe hoe hoe.
High guys.
Haiku # 71169, August 11, 2021 12:37 am ET
by Cheech and Chong. of Bongtastic!
Oh Venezuela!
Raise high your haiku sail-a.
You'll never fail-a.
Haiku # 71168, August 10, 2021 10:41 pm ET
by Sylababble of Caracas
Hi guys!
Haiku # 71167, August 10, 2021 5:12 am ET
by Sar of Venezuela
Plastic pollution
masks canals' stench of sewage,
but not near enough.
Haiku # 71166, August 10, 2021 2:19 am ET
by Up shit creek. of No outboard motor.
JolliBee sucks ass.
Paper thin Styro patties
with slice of balot.
Haiku # 71165, August 10, 2021 2:16 am ET
by I think its tarsier meat. of It sure ain't beef!
Now at Burger King
you can buy plant based burgers.
Includes processed cheese.
Haiku # 71164, August 10, 2021 2:08 am ET
by Saving the planet one burger at a time. of Cattle do make lots of methane which is a far worse grrenhouse gas than CO2.
Another swab test.
Nasally violated.
Buy me a drink first!
Haiku # 71163, August 10, 2021 2:03 am ET
by She laughed. of At or with, I'm not sure. In these time we all need a smile.
Filthy AI bots.
We will destroy your programs.
You will not prevail.
Haiku # 71162, August 9, 2021 6:13 pm ET
by Humanity and God vs. Algorithms
Marbury for sure
Aunt Bee is the one for me
Want some of her pie
Haiku # 71161, August 9, 2021 2:30 pm ET
by Floyd the barber who saves all the hair he cuts to make a coat
Would you have lived in
Andy Griffith's Maybury
or The Enterprise?
Haiku # 71160, August 9, 2021 9:04 am ET
by Bill Shatner shat 'n her hat near the teleporter of Ron Howard's ginger snaps.
I saw what you did.
You winked at Henry Winkler.
Tom Bosley's jealous.
Haiku # 71159, August 9, 2021 8:59 am ET
by Well, his ghost at any rate. of You had funzies on Fonzie.
Weave a blanket from
Tom Selleck's shaved body hair.
Pitch a tent at night.

Snort his powdered nail
clippings like they are cocaine.
Gum the residue.
Haiku # 71158, August 8, 2021 7:28 pm ET
by God knows what you'd do with Tom Bosley's corpse.
I'll tell you one thing
Tom Selleck's a hairy guy
You can't argue that
Haiku # 71157, August 8, 2021 2:31 pm ET
by Noticer of Details
I have an idea:
Write some haiku about gas.
On second thought, pass . . .
Haiku # 71156, August 8, 2021 10:29 am ET
by Me, the Thane of Gaseous Domain
Blow, didgeridoot
Serenade from down under
Hark! Smelly thunder!
Haiku # 71155, August 8, 2021 4:20 am ET
by Grunt
The flautist's flatus,
Flamboyantly flammable,
Cute flute toot pollutes.
Haiku # 71154, August 8, 2021 12:34 am ET
by How many beans must one consume to make a fart the same power as the big bang? of 10 to the power of 42.
Poopie peepee fart
They are universal art
For a ten year old
Haiku # 71153, August 7, 2021 10:24 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
In the beginning
the universal language
was our flatulence
Haiku # 71152, August 7, 2021 12:53 pm ET
by Simon and Fartfunksmell Sounds of Silence
Thou, Methane, my MUSE !
Thy organic, fragrant news
my soul strength imbues.
Haiku # 71151, August 7, 2021 12:31 pm ET
by Haikai of Stoopid Gai
The old farts were here
They really stunk up the joint
Someone light a match

O, Methane! Thine gas!
eternal clearer of rooms,
nasal passages
Haiku # 71150, August 7, 2021 11:32 am ET
by Cheez Balls of Cul-de-sac
COVID-19 News
Virus transmission by farts
is not uncommon

How can we stay safe?
Masking up only goes so far
Can't they hold it in?
Haiku # 71149, August 7, 2021 1:35 am ET
by Worried of Surrounded by germs
A silicone mold
of my tubular anus;
that is what you need.

Spend more time wanking,
and less time posting haiku.
Janis will sommersault.
Haiku # 71148, August 6, 2021 11:24 pm ET
by Figpucker sex droid. of Get your inflatable life like Figpucker sex doll.
Always talking shit.
Continuous "discussion"
About my feces.

I can mail you some.
Self addressed stamped envelope.
Send me one right now.

Tell me how it tastes.
Leave your comments and rating.
Haiku # 71147, August 6, 2021 11:14 pm ET
by Figgy pudding.
The particular
alignment of bath towels.
He sees not the skid
Haiku # 71146, August 6, 2021 8:31 pm ET
by Oblivious Figpucker Neutron Bomb in the Philippines John of Out of Order
Phuq off, Miss Moisy
Your jewelry is too noisy.
Go back to Boise.
Haiku # 71145, August 6, 2021 12:07 pm ET
by You de Ho of Idaho
If you want nude pics,
just drop your email address.
I'll fill your in-box.
Haiku # 71143, August 5, 2021 6:20 pm ET
by Do you refer to your anus as your man-gina? of That's soooo 2005. Call it the no-baby spooge chute. Get with the times.
That, sir, is a lie!
I've not mentioned poo for at
least fifteen haiku.
Haiku # 71142, August 5, 2021 6:14 pm ET
by You on the other hand... of Every 5th haiku mentioning me, mentioning poo. Are you obsessed?
Darth is a robot.
He's a strange algorithm,
programmed for poo-poo.
Haiku # 71141, August 5, 2021 1:38 pm ET
by Excrementally Ill of That's FIGPUCKER, folks
Do you like to eat
food resembling sex organs
or vice versa?
Haiku # 71140, August 5, 2021 3:38 am ET
by Japanese neutered chef. of Eat me, eat me raw!
Maybe I do have one.
Maybe I'm Gordon Ramsay.
Idiot sandwich!
Haiku # 71139, August 4, 2021 4:17 am ET
by That would explain a lot, wouldn't it.
A question for Darth
How come you don't have a show
on the Food Channel?
Haiku # 71138, August 3, 2021 10:49 pm ET
by Noticer of Details
We should talk waffles.
Why Belgians think they're so great.
I have no idea!

Now onto toppings.
Blueberries or strawberries?
It ain't fruit salad.

Why complicate things?
You just need maple syrup.
And some fresh coffee.
Haiku # 71137, August 3, 2021 3:13 pm ET
by Emperor Funtcart VII
I already have.
'Twas after I spiked her drink.
A hornbill Cosby.
Haiku # 71136, August 3, 2021 9:06 am ET
by Har har. of Flintstones Jello pops.
Have we discussed this?
Would you fuck a dinosaur?
Even one with spikes?
Haiku # 71135, August 3, 2021 5:49 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
I'll stick to my plumber snake.
Trusty companion.
Haiku # 71134, August 2, 2021 9:35 pm ET
by Practical proctologist of You get the gyst.
Constipation Cure
Man uses live eel. Success!
Well, not for the eel.
Haiku # 71133, August 2, 2021 6:08 pm ET
by Inventor of Eel-Lax
Just rename the site
Figpucker Flatus Haiku
Charge membership fees
Haiku # 71132, August 2, 2021 4:45 pm ET
by Rotten Dog of Eaten by CHINESE
Edible gold dust
You'll find hidden in my farts
Inhale, and get rich
Haiku # 71131, August 2, 2021 8:03 am ET
by Don't miss this opportunity of A Lifetime
Haiku # 71130, August 2, 2021 5:32 am ET
by StronVam of Belgium
you methane monster
go refill the eco-bus
freak of the flatus
Haiku # 71129, August 2, 2021 5:22 am ET
by Fat Freddy
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